ADHD Resources

I have been sending interesting books, articles, podcasts and more to friends and clients with ADHD for ages. Here are some that of the resources I share most often. If it’s listed below I’ve read it (sometimes written it), listened to it, or tested it and it has my thumbs up.


About ADHD

What is ADHD?

Brief overview of ADHD as a heritable neurodevelopmental disorder and its history.

How do I know I have ADHD?

How to get screened for ADHD, who can diagnose ADHD and what to expect from a diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

What are the criteria for an ADHD diagnosis, and why they need to be updated.

Treatment options for ADHD

How do you get help with ADHD? Education, medication, ADHD-specific therapy and coaching.

ADHD explained

The neuroanatomy of ADHD and thus how to treat ADHD [YouTube] 

Russell Barkley gives an excellent account of how ADHD develops into adulthood, why we struggle, and (importantly) what we can do about it. 2009 lecture hosted by the Canadian Centre for ADHD Awareness (CADDAC).

The ADHD Toolbox: The Latest in ADHD Research with Dr. Russell Barkley [YouTube]

Russell Barkley and Bob Dietrich (@BrainWorxInternational) discuss the latest research in ADHD and how we can use it to support our children and families dealing with ADHD.

ADHD, Clarified: New Research and Essential Strategies for Thriving with ADHD [ADDitude Podcast #348].

Edward Ned Hallowell and John Ratey talk about their new book ADHD 2.0. Also listen on Apple Podcasts, GooglePodcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or iHeartRADIO.

ADHD & How Anyone Can Improve Their Focus [Huberman Lab Podcast #37]

Andrew Huberman (PhD) discusses ADHD: what it is, the common myths, and the biology and psychology of ADHD. Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

What Neuroscience Reveals About the ADHD Brain [ADDitude Podcast #152]

Joel Nigg (PhD) explains how the ADHD brain handles attention and emotion and how stimulant medications interact with it. Listen on Apple Podcasts; Google Podcasts; Spotify.

Race car brain with bicycle brakes [Philip’s Blog]

In this post, I dig into Ned Hallowell’s brilliant “race car brain with bicycle brakes” analogy, and why we all struggle with paying attention or focusing on just one task, and why 20 milliseconds makes such a big difference for those of us with ADHD

ADHD and women

What Does ADHD Look Like in Women? Many Doctors Are Still Getting It Wrong

Edward Hallowell (MD) talks about some of the symptoms doctors often misinterpret and misdiagnose when treating women with adult ADHD.

Why ADHD is different for women [ADDitude Podcast #337]

Ellen Littman (PhD) talks about gender-specific symptoms and treatments. Women’s presentation of ADHD symptoms contributes to the diagnostic confusion that still leaves many women overlooked or misdiagnosed. Listen on Apple Podcasts; Google Podcasts; Spotify.

ADHD and estrogen

An Edge Foundation article explaining the relationship between estrogen and ADHD symptoms during the menstrual cycle, puberty and menopause.

ADHD Wellness

More Than Just Genes: How Environment, Lifestyle, and Stress Impact ADHD

Joel Nigg (PhD) on AHD and epigenetics (Part I): ADHD is a genetic disorder, but DNA is not working alone. Stress, foods, and environmental toxins change the brain as well. Here, learn how to reverse their negative effects.

Beyond Genes: Leveraging Sleep, Exercise, and Nutrition to Improve ADHD

Joel Nigg (PhD) on ADHD and epigenetics (Part II): ADHD is genetic, but it is also environmental — to a degree. You can’t change your DNA. But you CAN change your eating, fitness, and sleep habits — all of which may have real, positive effects on ADHD symptoms.

The Exercise Rx for ADHD [ADDitude Podcast #246]

John Ratey (MD) explains how to use movement to ease symptoms of ADHD. Powerful evidence shows that exercise improves not only physical health, but attention, working memory, behavior, mood, and executive functions. Listen on Apple Podcasts; Google Podcasts; Spotify. Read in ADDitude Mag.


“What I Wish My Partner Knew About My ADHD / ADD”

Author and ADHD relationship expert, Melissa Orlov, talks about stress, intense emotions, and deadlines impact people differently and how these can strain ADHD-affected relationships –  and shares “relationship fixes” from ADHD spouses.

ADHD Coaching and Therapy

ADHD-specific coaching

Why ADHD Coaching is So Effective [The Wavy Brain Podcast, Ep. 003]

Lisa Tuttle talks about what ADHD coaching entails, how it fits in with therapy and medication, how the surrounding research has evolved, and her experience as an ADHDer pursuing an advanced degree.

How CBT and ADHD Coaching Help Adults Manage Their Symptoms Naturally [ADDitude Podcast #327]

Russel Ramsay (PhD) and David Giwerc discuss the similarities and differences between Cognitive behavioural Therapy (CBT) and ADHD coaching (both are typically the first nonmedical treatments recommended to adults with attention deficit disorder). Listen on Apple Podcasts; Google Podcasts; Spotify.

Coaching for ADHD

CHADD article on coaching for ADHD: ADHD coaching is a relatively new field that has become more prominent recently. Coaching is an intervention that complements medication and other non-pharmacologic alternatives.

ADHD-specific therapy

Using CBT to Treat ADHD with Dr. Russell Ramsay [The Wavy Brain Podcast, Ep. 018]

Dr. Russell Ramsay is one of the original pioneers of using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to treat ADHD. By paying attention to the cognitive distortions that hijack us, we can improve our self-confidence and break the cycle of negativity”.

Russell Ramsay talks about ADHD (Out of the Blank Podcast #1475)

Robbie Robertson talks to one of my favourite ADHD experts, Russell Ramsay (PhD). Ramsay shares a depth of understanding of adult ADHD and our struggles in such a way that you would be forgiven for thinking he has ADHD himself (he doesn’t). Also, available on YouTube.

How CBT Dismantles ADHD Negativity: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Overview

Carl Sherman (PhD), Russell Ramsay (PhD), and Karen Barrow explain how CBT “delivers real-world benefits for adults with ADHD — namely higher self-esteem, productivity, and happiness”.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for ADHD

CHADD article on CBT for ADHD: There is much interest in—but also apparently much confusion about—the nature of CBT and the way it can be used to help adults with ADHD.

ADHD Books

ADHD Tools & Resources

Dedicated to ADHD Science+

Dr Russell Barkley’s YouTube channel, where you’ll find weekly updates on the latest research on ADHD, and science-based videos on various ADHD topics.

Neurodivergent Insights

Dr Megan Neff, an ADHD and Autistic clinical psychologist, works with late-in-life diagnosed Autistic and ADHD people and creates mental health content with neurodivergent people in mind. I especially enjoy her Misdiagnosis Monday series.

How to ADHD

Jessica McCabe’s YouTube channel is a toolbox of strategies for living with ADHD.

Philip’s Blog

I write articles about ADHD covering various topics such as how the ADHD brain works, understanding challenges like procrastination, and leveraging strengths like hyperfocus.

Smiling Minds app

Free mindfulness app developed by psychologists and educators. Smiling Mind is a 100% not-for-profit organisation in Australia. Available for Android and iOS.

ADHD Organisations

Goldilocks and The Bear Foundation (GB4ADHD)

South Africa’s first non-profit to provide ADHD screening and early intervention services in underprivileged communities.

South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG)

ADHD toll-free ADHD helpline: 0800 55 44 33